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Kubernetes for beginner

Kubernetes for beginner

Kubernetes for beginner

Geting start with the kubernetes on MACOS

  1. Install Minikube: brew install minikube
  2. Install kubectl: brew install kubectl
  3. Start minikube cluster: minikube start

Some basic command for kubectl

  • kubectl get nodes or kubectl get no -o yaml: get all nodes in the cluster
  • kubectl get pods or kubectl get po -o yaml: get all pods in the cluster
  • kubectl get services or kubectl get svc -o yaml: get all services in the cluster
  • kubectl get deployments or kubectl get deploy -o yaml: get all deployments in the cluster
  • kubectl describe pod <pod-name>: get detail of a pod
  • kubectl describe node <node-name>: get detail of a node

##Run an app Make sure you have the docker image of the app you want to run on the cluster. If not, you can build it by yourself or pull it from the docker hub. My app was listen on the port 8180.

11. kubectl create deployment orovn-kube101 --image=orovn/kube101-go
22. kubectl expose deployment orovn-kube101 --type=NodePort --port=8180
33. minikube service orovn-kube101

Scaling the app

kubectl scale deployment orovn-kube101 --replicas=3

or kubectl edit deployment orovn-kube101 and Modify the replicas line, and set it to 3

Tail all logs from all the pods in the deployment

kubectl logs -f -l app=hello-go --prefix=true

Update the app

11. kubectl set image deployment/orovn-kube101 orovn-kube101=orovn/kube101-go:v2
22. kubectl rollout status deployment/orovn-kube101
33. kubectl rollout history deployment/orovn-kube101
44. kubectl rollout undo deployment/orovn-kube101

Clean up

11. kubectl delete service orovn-kube101
22. kubectl delete deployment orovn-kube101

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Kent C. Dodds

Kent C. Dodds is a JavaScript software engineer and teacher. He's taught hundreds of thousands of people how to make the world a better place with quality software development tools and practices. He lives with his wife and four kids in Utah.